What To Do (And Not Do) To Hide A Septic Tank In A Yard

4 May 2015
 Categories: , Blog


Some homeowners feel that having a visible hatch to their septic tank installaion on display in their yard is an irritation. Any guests or friends who come over to the yard will be able to see the top of the tank, and it can be a source of discomfort for the homeowner. A great way to deal with this is to try and disguise the top of the tank. This article looks at some things to try, as well as what to avoid, when hiding the septic tank.

Some Things To Do

  • You could start by adding a large potted plant or two next to the hatch.  This will take the attention away from the hatch by disguising its presence. The added bonus of using a potted plant is that the roots will never interfere with the tank or the pipes. The plants are also easy to remove if you need access to the tank, for example, when cleaning the tank.
  • Another way to try to disguise the top of the septic tank is by creating a rock display. You can collect and arrange the rocks so that they not only cover the tank, but looks good as well. Other homeowners have bought a fake rock; this can be used to cover the whole top section of a tank, and can look great as well.
  • Adding a statue to the top of the hatch can also work well to disguise the tank. You could purchase and place a main statue on the hatch itself, and then build up smaller statues to complement the main one. Arranged properly, this can hide the hatch very well; it is also easy to remove the statues when you need to access the tank.

Some Things To Avoid Doing

There are some things that you should not consider when attempting to disguise the top of a septic tank. These include:

  • Don't plant any bushes or trees close to the top of the tank; these plants have large root systems that can interfere with the tanks and cause damage.
  • Don't cover the top of the tank with soil, as this may become frozen in winter and will prevent access to the tank.
  • Refrain from planting vegetables anywhere near the tank, as contamination can happen if vegetables are grown too close to the area of the tank.

You can install fencing around the top of the tank, but you must be careful; the fence must be quite shallow when inserted into the soil. This avoids damaging any pipes, but allows you to camouflage the hatch nicely.